
Purpose Statement

The Department of Natural Science provides:

  • a career-oriented approach to pre-professional preparation in the health sciences
  • a liberal arts and sciences approach to environmental health and sustainability
  • a hands-on approach to education in the laboratory and through student research
  • preparation to meet the Kansas State Department of Education standards for licensure in biology and chemistry

Biochemistry Major (Recommended for Pre-Medical Students)


G-CH 111  College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112  College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252  Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 201  Quantitative Analysis (4 hours)
CH 370  Biochemistry (4 hours)
G-BI 111  College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112  College Biology II (4 hours)
BI/CH 310  Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)
BI/CH 360  Cell Physiology/Biochemistry II (4 hours)

Select one from the following:

BI 283  Genetics (4 hours
BI 334  Microbial Ecophysiology (5 hours)
BI 364  Cell and Molecular Biology (4 hours)
BI 384  Molecular Genetics (4 hours)
CH 390  Instrumental Analysis (3 hours)

Required Supporting Courses

G-PH 215  General Physics I (4 hour)
PH 216  General Physics II (4 hour)
*NS 300  Research Methods (1 hour)
NS 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*NS 475  Senior Seminar (2 hours)

Biology Major (Recommended for other Health Science careers)


A minimum of 32 semester hours of biological science coursework, including

G-BI 111  College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112  College Biology II (4 hours)
BI 283  Genetics (4 hours)
BI 310  Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)

8 credit hours chosen from among the 300 Level BI Courses

Required Supporting courses

G-CH 111  College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112  College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252  Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
G-PH 215  General Physics I (4 hours)
*NS 300  Research Methods (1 hour)
NS 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*NS 475  Senior Research (2 hours)

Biology Major – Teaching Licensure in Biology (6-12)

Biology Major for Teacher Licensure

A minimum of 32 semester hours, including:

G-BI 111  College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112  College Biology II (4 hours)
G-BI 201  Biodiversity (4 hours)
BI 283  Genetics (4 hours)
*NS 300  Research Methods (1 hour)
NS 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)

12 Credit hours chosen from among the remaining BI or NS courses numbered 200 of higher, including at least one organismal course and one population course.

Required Supporting Courses

G-CH 111  College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112  College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CI 232  Educational Technology (2 hours)
G-MA 221  Elementary Applied Statistics (4 hours)
G-PE 170  Personal and Community Health (2 hours)
G-PH 215  General Physics I (4 hours)
G-PY 101  Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)

Students pursuing this major must also meet all professional requirements for teacher licensure in the Curriculum and Instruction Department.

Biology Minor


A minimum of 20 semester hours, including

G-BI 111  College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112  College Biology II (4 hours)
BI 283  Genetics (4 hours)

At least eight hours of additional biology courses

Required supporting courses

G-CH 111  College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)

Chemistry Major


A minimum of 36 semester hours including

G-CH 111  Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112  Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252  Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 201  Quantitative Analysis (4 hours)
CH 390  Instrumental Analysis (3 hours)
CH 385  Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (4 hours)
CH 400  General Physical Chemistry (5 hours)

Required supporting courses

PH 205  College Physics I (5 hour)
PH 206  College Physics II (5 hour)
*NS 300  Research Methods (1 hour)
NS 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*NS 475  Senior Research (2 hours)
G-MA 111  Calculus I (4 hours)
MA 112  Calculus II (4 hours)

Recommended supporting courses

G-BI 111  College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112  College Biology II (4 hours)

Chemistry Major – Teaching Licensure in Chemistry (6-12)

Chemistry Major for Teacher Licensure:

A minimum of 32 hours including:

G- CH 111  College Chemistry I (5 hours)
G- CH 112  College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 201  Quantitative Analysis (4 hours)
CH 310  Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)
CH 385  Advanced Inorganic (4 hours)
CH 388  Lab Assisting Internship (2 hours)

Remaining hours must come from CH 252 Organic Chemistry II or CH courses 300 level or above.

Required Supporting courses:

G-BI 111  College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112  College Biology II (4 hours)
PH 215  General Physics I (4 hours)
PH 216  General Physics II (4 hours)
NS 375  Junior Seminar (1 hours)

Suggested Courses:

G-NS 141  Environmental Science (4 hours)
G-PC 251  Geology (4 hours)
G-PC 275  Astronomy (4 hours)
CH 252  Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
G-MA 111  Calculus I (4 hours)
MA 112  Calculus II (4 hours)
PH 205  College Physics I (replace G-PH 215) (5 hours)
PH 206  College Physics II (replace G-PH 216) (5 hours)
*NS 475  Senior Research (2 hours)

Students pursuing this major must also meet all professional requirements for teacher licensure in the curriculum and instruction department.

Chemistry Minor


A minimum of 24 hours including

G-CH 111  College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112  College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251  Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252  Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 201  Quantitative Analysis (4 hours)

Environmental Stewardship Major

This program achieves its purposes when its graduates:

  • demonstrate knowledge of contemporary theories in the natural sciences
  • demonstrate skill in the application of laboratoryand field experimental techniques
  • demonstrate knowledge of contemporary theories of human social systems and behavior
  • demonstrate a critical understanding of their personal roles in history, culture, and community
  • evaluate the impacts of human society and Earth’s natural systems on one another
  • differentiate between their personal belief system and societal belief systems
  • express a personal environmental ethic

Required Natural Science Courses:

G-BI 106  Environmental Biology or
G-BI 201  Biodiversity (4 hours)
G-CH 106  Environmental Chemistry (4 hours)
G-NS 141  Environmental Science (4 hours)
G-PH 215  General Physics I (4 hours)
G-PC 251  Geology (4 hours)
G-NS 245  Climatology (4 hours)
BI 316  Ecology or (4 hours)
BI 325  Human Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health (4 hours)
BI 334  Microbial Ecophysiology or (5 hours
BI 345  Plant Ecophysiology (4 hours)
NS 404  Environmental Ethics (2 hours)
BI/EC 416  Ecological Economics (2 hours)
NS 495  Field Experience (4 hours)

Electives from Humanities, Social Science, and Technology:

Select at least 24 hours from the following:

CM 325  Conflict Communication (3 hours)
EC 202  Survey of Economics (3 hours)
Up to 2 courses (G-HI or HI200+) (6 hours)
G-PE 170  Personal/Community Health (2 hours)
G-PS 125  International Relations (3 hours)
G-PS 130  Principles of Geography (3 hours)
G-PS 215  Global Peace Studies (3 hours)
PY/SO 303  Social Psychology (3-4 hours)
G-SO 101  Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)
SO 206  Social Problems (3-4 hours)
SO 320  Urban Sociology (3 hours)
*G-TE 333  Technology and Society (3-4 hours)

Other courses as approved by both the advisor and co-advisor.

Other Course Requirements:

NS 350 Stewardship Seminar1/semester (4 required)
*NS 300  Research Methods (1 hour)
NS 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*NS 475  Senior Research (2 hours)

Environmental Science Minor


G-BI 106  Environmental Biology or
G-CH106  Environmental Chemistry (4 hours)
G-NS 141  Environmental Science (4 hours)
G-PC251  Geology (4 hours)
G-NS 245  Climatology (4 hours)
NS 493  Field Experience (4 hours)

Environmental Stewardship Minor


G-NS 141  Environmental Science (4 hours)
G-PC 251  Geology or
G-PC245  Climatology (4 hours)
NS495  Field Experience (4 hours)
NS350  Stewardship Seminar (2 hours)

Electives from Environmental Stewardship Major Electives list 6 hours