Health, Physical Education & Recreation Program

Purpose Statement

The department of health, physical education and recreation commits itself to developing graduates that embrace the liberal arts philosophy and can demonstrate a variety of skills efficiently and effectively, can analyze and critique movement, and understand the interrelationship of health, fitness, and wholeness in life.

The department achieves this purpose when its graduates

  • understand the concepts of physical education and health content and applies these concepts for the development of an educated learner;
  • understand how individuals learn and develop, including special needs learners, and can provide safe, developmentally appropriate opportunities that support their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development in the physical education environment;
  • understand the need to foster relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians and other professionals in the learning community and seeks opportunities to grow professionally;
  • uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration and engagement in various physical activity settings and understands how individuals differ in their approaches to learning;
  • plans and implements a variety of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies to develop physical educated individuals;
  • understand and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to foster the learning and skill development of all learners in physical activity;
  • uses an understanding of individual group motivation and behavior to create a safe learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation;
  • develop a personal strategy for health and fitness, understanding that behaviors learned are a continual, lifelong process;
  • demonstrate an appreciation for the necessary impact of play on the quality of life;
  • meet the qualifications and standards of their chosen profession (majors only);
  • meet State Department of Education standards and NCATE standards for licensure in the area of physical education and health (applies to those seeking teaching certification in physical education and health).

The department offers programs designed for teaching physical education and health in the elementary and secondary schools, graduate preparation, and a related area of special emphasis in sports management.

Physical Education and Health Major

Completion of the required and supporting courses listed below, plus courses and/or a selected emphasis area of professional preparation should total a minimum of 37 semester hours in the department of physical education and 11 semester hours of required related courses.


PE 110  Introduction to Team Sports (2 hours)
G-PE 150  Concepts of Holistic Health (2 hours)
PE 160  Intro to Dual and Individual Sports I (2 hours)
PE 161  Intro to Dual and Individual Sports II (2 hours)
G-PE 170   Personal and Community Health (2 hours)
PE 180  First Aid and Personal Safety (2 hours)
PE 210  Human Sexuality (3 hours)
PE 220  Human Anatomy and Physiology for Physical Education (2 hours)
PE 280  Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries (3 hours)
PE 288  Psychology and Sociology of Sport (2 hours)
PE 330  Physiology of Exercise (3 hours)
PE 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*PE 380  History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education (3 hours)
PE 411  Kinesiology (3 hours)
PE 450  Organization & Administration of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics (3 hours)
PE 475  Senior Seminar (2-6 hours)

Required Supporting Courses

G-BI 101 Principles of Biology 4 hours) or
G-BI 111 College Biology (4 hours) or
G-BI 106 Environmental Biology (4 hours)
PE/SO 210 Human Sexuality (3 hours)

Additional Requirements for Teacher Education Majors, PK-12

Professional Education Requirements

Related Courses:

PY 101  Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
PY 204  Child and Adolescent Development (3 hours)
CI 232  Educational Technology (2 hours)
CI 333  Intercultural Education (2 hours)

Education Courses:

CI 150  Introduction to Education (3 hours)
CI 251  Introduction to Education Practicum (1 hour)
SE 210  Intro to Infant, Child, Youth with Special Needs (3 hours)
CI 220  Principles & Strategies of Teaching (3 hours)
CI 315  Reading in the Content Field (2 hours)
CI 455  The Teaching-Learning Process (3 hours)

Methods Courses:

PE/CI 426  Methods of Teaching School Health (2 hours)
PE/EE 305  Methods of Teaching PE in Elementary School (2 hours)
PE/CI 410  Methods of Teaching PE in Secondary School (2 hours)

Observations & Student Teaching:

CI 351  Secondary Education Practicum (1 hour)
EE 375  Elementary Education Practicum (1 hour)
EE 465  Student Teaching in the Elementary School (6 hours)
CI 475  Student Teaching in the Secondary School (6 hours)
CI 476  Professional Seminar in Education (2 hours)

Total Hours 45 hours

Additional Requirements for Sports Management Emphasis

G-BA 101  Introduction to Business (3 hours)
EC 202  Survey of Economics (3 hours)
AC 205  Financial Accounting (3 hours)
BA 224  Principles of Management (3 hours)
BA 321  Marketing (3 hours)
*BA 339  Human Resource Management (3 hours)