General Education Distribution Courses


Required: 6 hours, with a course of at least two hours from each category: the arts and literature

The Arts: Students will show that they have a critical knowledge of creativity in the Fine Arts.

G-AR101     Drawing I
G-AR102     Painting I
G-AR131     Ceramics I
G-AR220    Graphic Design for Non-Art Majors
*G-AR310   Art History I
*G-AR311   Art History II
G-AR350    Sculpture
G-PA110     Intro. Performing Arts
G-PA120     Music Appreciation
G-PA140     College Band
G-PA142     College Choir
G-PA160     Performing for the Stage
G-PA170     Stagecrafts

Literature: Students will demonstrate that they have learned how literature artfully structures people’s experiences, values, and cultures.

*G-EE210   Children’s Literature
*G-EN210   World Literature I
*G-EN220   World Literature II
G-EN235     Selected Topics in Literature
*G-EN255   American Literature II
*G-EN270   Fiction
*G-EN370   Poetry
G-PA265     Script Analysis
*G-PA385   Performing Arts Literature & History I
*G-PA390   Performing Arts Literature & History II

Science and Technology:

Required: 7 hours, one lab, one course from life and one course from physical sciences

Life Sciences and Physical Sciences: Students will demonstrate (1) that they have developed an understanding of contemporary scientific thought regarding the structure and function of the physical and biological world; (2) that they know about historical changes in the scientific understanding of the world and (3) that they understand and have experienced some of the methods and processes of the natural sciences.

Life Sciences
G-BI101     Principles of Biology
G-BI106     Environmental Biology
G-BI111      College Biology I
G-BI201     Biodiversity
G-BI210     Nutrition
*G-NS100  Science & Society(4 hours)
G-NS141     Environmental Science

Physical Sciences
G-CH101    Principles of Chemistry
G-CH106    Environmental Chemistry
G-CH111     College Chemistry I
*G-NS100  Science & Society (4 hours)
G-NS141     Environmental Science
G-NS245    Climatology
G-PC251     Geology
G-PC275     Astronomy
G-PH215    General Physics I

Social Sciences:

Required: 9 hours, one each from behavioral sciences, social institutions, and history

Behavioral Sciences: Students will demonstrate that they understand how to appreciate themselves and others as psychological and sociological beings. Specifically, students will show that they comprehend how they are both participants in and products of interactions at the level of the individual, the group, and the society.

G-CM120   Introduction to Human Communication
G-PY101     Introduction to Psychology
G-SO101     Introduction to Sociology
G-SO246    Marriage and Family

Social Institutions: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how various social, economic, and political systems originate and evolve to shape our lives and an understanding of how individuals and groups interact within these systems.

G-BA101      Introduction to Business
G-BA230     Personal Finance
G-CI150       Introduction to Education
G-EC416      Ecological Economics
G-ET201      Entrepreneurship on the Horizon
G-PS/HI101 Historical Introduction to Politics
G-PS102       U.S. Government
G-PS125        International Relations
G-SO246      Marriage and Family

History: Students will demonstrate scholarship in the study of history, historical and political awareness, and critical and analytical skills in at least one area of world civilization.

G-HI/PS101  Historical Introduction to Politics
G-HI110         World Civilization to 1500
G-HI120        World Civilization since 1500
G-HI130        Introductory Methods for Historical Analysis
G-HI201        American History to 1865
G-HI202        American History since 1865
G-HI220        Twentieth Century Europe
G-HI217        Latin American History
G-HI236        Topics in Social History