Health and Sport Studies Program

Department Mission

McPherson College students in the Department of Health and Sport Studies will develop an understanding of the multiple dimensions associated with the human body, which encompass physical, psychological, social, environmental, emotional, spiritual, and occupational realms.

By embracing this multi-dimensional approach, the department captures the essence of a liberal arts education: developing the whole person. Furthermore, the department will contribute to the fulfillment of the college’s mission as follows:

  • Scholarship – Achieving academic excellence by elevating the scholastic expectations of our students and exceeding the accreditation standards of the allied health and sport professions. The department will offer strategically designed, career-oriented degree programs to prepare students for a future beyond the McPherson College campus.
  • Participation – Utilizing the Enterprising McPherson College Student model to provide students the opportunity to explore, experience, and engage all the facets associated with our degree programs. In addition to the academic preparation, students will interact with, and be mentored by, experts in the allied health and sport professions.
  • Service – Promoting and emphasizing the importance of serving others. Instilling this altruistic nature will contribute to the development of the whole person and prepare our students to be positive, active, and responsible members of society. They will be ready to embrace inclusivity, equality, and equity to encourage diversity in the allied health and sport professions and society.

Department Goals

  1. Scholarship – Ensure students will gain the necessary content knowledge, application competence, and communication aptitude to excel in the allied health and sport professions.
  2. Practice – Connect students with pertinent and fruitful experiential learning opportunities to gain occupational skills from experts within the allied health and sport professions.
  3. Critical Thinking – Provide the techniques and skills to question, evaluate, and create positive and progressive solutions for challenging obstacles within the allied health and sport professions.
  4. Diversity – Increase students’ awareness of the value of a diverse society, the essentials to promoting a diverse community, and enhance their abilities to function in diverse allied health and sport occupational environments.
  5. Service – Develop leadership skills and sympathetic character traits to be active leaders in their allied health, sport, and personal communities.

B.S. in Health Science

Students seeking a degree in Health Science will complete the core requirements and choose from one of the three emphases: Movement Science, Allied Health, or Public and Community Health.

Core Requirements (38 hours)

G-BI 111 College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112 College Biology II (4 hours)
HS 175 Health Systems (3 hours)
HS 275 Career Exploration in Health Science/Healthcare Management (2 hours)
G-HS/PE 190 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3 hours)
G-PY 101 Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
G-CM 218 Business and Professional Communication (3 hours)
G-MA 221 Elementary Applied Statistics (4 hours)
PE 330 Physiology of Exercise (3 hours)
HS 375 Junior Seminar in Health Science/Healthcare Management (3 hours)
HS 395 Healthcare Administration, Leadership, and Management (3 hours)
HS 475 Senior Capstone in Health Science/Healthcare Management (3 hours)

Movement Emphasis Requirements (32 hours)

G-CH 111College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112
College Chemistry II (5 hours)
G-BI 210 Principles of Nutrition (3 hours)
G-PH 215 General Physics I (4 hours)
PH 216 General Physics II (4 hours)
BI 225 Human Anatomy (4 hours)
BI 315 Human Physiology (4 hours)
PE 411 Kinesiology (3 hours)

Major Total: 70 hours

Recommended Courses

PY 204 Child and Adolescent Development (3 hours)
G-PR 104 Ethics (3 hours)
HS 207 Medical Terminology (2 hours)
PE 301 Human Growth and Motor Development (3 hours)
PY 305 Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)
PE 385 Care and Treatment of Athletic Injury (3 hours)
HS 388 Internship (1-4 hours)

Orthotics and Prosthetics Specific Course:

BI 310 Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)


Allied Health Emphasis Requirements (29-30 hours)

G-CH 105 Chemistry for Life (4 hours) or G-CH 111 College Chemistry I (5 hours)
PY 204 
Child and Adolescent Development (3 hours)
PY 305 Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)
BI 225 Human Anatomy (4 hours)
BI 315 Human Physiology (4 hours)
HS 207 Medical Terminology (2 hours)
G-SO 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)
G-PR 104 Ethics (3 hours)
PE 301 Human Growth and Motor Development (3 hours)

Major Total: 67-68 hours

Recommended Courses

G-PH 215 General Physics I (4 hours)
PE 411 Kinesiology (3 hours)
HS 388 Internship (1-4 hours)

Nursing School Preparation Specific Courses:

G-BI 210 Principles of Nutrition (3 hours)
BI 234 Microbiology (5 hours)
BI 283 Genetics (4 hours)


Public and Community Health Emphasis Requirements (27-28 hours)

G-CH 105 Chemistry for Life (4 hours) or G-CH 111 College Chemistry I (5 hours)
G-SO 101 
Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)
G-MA 111 Calculus (4 hours)
HS 200 Public and Community Health (3 hours)
G-BI 210 Principles of Nutrition (3 hours)
HS 290 Health Policy (3 hours)
BI 325 Human Ecology, Epidemiology, and Public Health (4 hours)
PY 305 Abnormal Psychology (3 hours)

Major Total: 65-66 hours

Recommended Courses

G-PR 104 Ethics (3 hours)
G-NS 141 Environmental Science (4 hours)
HS 207 Medical Terminology (2 hours)
HS 388 Internship (1-4 hours)


B.S. in Healthcare Management


G-BI 101 Principles of Biology (4 hours)
G-CH 101 Principles of Chemistry (4 hours) or G-CH 105 Chemistry for Life (4 hours)
G-BA 130 Principles of Business Management (3 hours)
G-PE 150 Concepts in Holistic Health (3 hours)
HS 175 Health Systems (3 hours)
G-HS/PE 190 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3 hours)
HS 200 Public and Community Health (3 hours)
EC 202 Survey of Economics (3 hours)
AC 205 Financial Accounting (3 hours)
AC 206 Managerial Accounting (3 hours)
G-CM 218 Business and Professional Communication (3 hours)
BA 221 Marketing (3 hours)
HS 275 Career Exploration in Health Science/Healthcare Management (2 hours)
HS 290 Health Policy (3 hours)
BA 215 Business Law (3 hours)
HS 325 Healthcare Finance (3 hours)
BA 325 Financial Management (3 hours)
BA 339 Human Resource Management (3 hours)
HS 375 Junior Seminar in Health Science/Healthcare Management (3 hours)
HS 395 Healthcare Administration, Leadership, and Management (3 hours)
HS 475 Senior Capstone in Health Science/Healthcare Management (3 hours)

Total: 64 hours


B.S. in Sport Studies


PE 100 Introduction to Physical Education and Sport (3 hours)
G-BI 101 Principles of Biology (4 hours)
PE 105 Introduction to Sport Management (3 hours)
G-PE 150 Concepts in Holistic Health (3 hours)
G-BI 210 Principles of Nutrition (3 hours)
PE 220 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 hours)
PE 244 Sport and Society (3 hours)
PE 289 Sport and Exercise Psychology (3 hours)
PE 301 Human Growth and Motor Behavior (3 hours)
PE 304 Theories, Principles, and Leadership of Coaching (3 hours)
PE 330 Exercise Physiology (3 hours)
PE 385 Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries (3 hours)
PE 400 Skill Development, Physical Training, and Tactics in Coaching (3 hours)
PE 475 Senior Capstone (3 hours)

Total: 43 hours


Additional Requirements for Teacher Education Majors, PK-12 (46 credit  hours)

G-PY 101 Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
G-CI 150 Introduction to Education (3 hours)
PY 204 Child and Adolescent Development (3 hours)
SE 210 Introduction to Infant, Child, Youth with Special Needs (3 hours)
CI 220 Principles and Strategies of Teaching (3 hours)
CI 232 Educational Technology (2 hours)
CI 251 Introduction to Education Practicum (1 hour)
CI 315 Reading in the Content Field (2 hours)
CI 333  Intercultural Education (2 hours)
CI 351 Secondary Education Practicum (1 hour)
EE 375 
Elementary Education Practicum (1 hour)
PE 409/CI 409
Methods for Teaching Physical Education and Health in Elementary Schools (4 hours)
PE 410/CI 410 Methods for Teaching Physical Education and Health in Secondary Schools (4 hours)
CI 455 The Teaching-Learning Process (3 hours)
EE 465 Student Teaching in the Elementary School (6 hours)
CI 475 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (6 hours)
CI 476 Professional Seminar in Education (2   hours)

Total: 92 hours


B.S. in Sport Management


PE 100 Introduction to Physical Education and Sport (3 hours)
PE 105 Introduction to Sport Management (3 hours)
G-BA 130 Principles in Business Management (3 hours)
EC 202 Survey of Economics (3 hours)
AC 202 Survey in Accounting (3 hours)
G-CM 218 Business and Personal Communication (3 hours)
G-BA 220 Business Applied Statistics or G-MA 221, Elementary Applied Statistics (4 hours)
BA 221 Marketing (3 hours)
PE 244 Sport and Society (3 hours)
PE 289 Sport and Exercise Psychology (3 hours)
BA 215 Business Law (3 hours)
BA 324 Organizational Behavior (3 hours)
BA 325 Financial Management (3 hours)
BA 339 Human Resource Management (3 hours)
PE 415 Sport Management (3 hours)
PE 420 Sport Marketing (3 hours)
PE 425 Sport Finance (3 hours)
PE 430 Governance and Policy in Sport (3 hours)
PE 475 Senior Capstone (3 hours)

Total: 58 hours

Coaching Minor

Required Courses (12 hours)

PE 100 Introduction to Physical Education and Sport (3 hours)
PE 220 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 hours)
PE 304 Theories, Principles, and Leadership of Coaching (3 hours)
PE 400 Skill Development, Physical Training, and Tactics in Coaching (3 hours)

Elective Courses – Pick two (6 hours)

PE 244 Sport and Society (3 hours)
PE 289 Sport and Exercise Psychology (3 hours)
PE 301 Human Growth and Motor Behavior (3 hours)
PE 330 
Exercise Physiology (3 hours)
PE 385
Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries (3 hours)

Total: 18 hours