
The present campus, with its 19 major buildings and 42-acre setting, has matured into an institution of which its founders would be proud. To celebrate its 100th anniversary in 1987-88, McPherson College architecturally redesigned its entire campus, closing two city streets that bisected campus on both the east and the west—a factor that has improved the quality of living and learning at McPherson College.

In 2016 the college invested $7.4 million in its heating and cooling system and began installing a keyless entry system on its exterior doors that includes security cameras. That keyless entry system provides an additional margin of safety for all students and employees.

Campus community members have exceptional access to health care services. The college has its own clinic on campus, staffed by Partners in Family Care physicians. Office visits are free for students and employees, with only lab or technical services being charged to insurance.

McPherson College is located in predominantly rural central Kansas. According to census figures, McPherson County is home to 29,356 people; 23.3 percent of this population is under 18 years of age while 18.7 percent is 65 or older. Ethnic and racial minorities constitute 4.2 percent of the county’s population.