
Purpose Statement

The department commits itself to fostering students’ learning so that they are prepared for professional pursuits and/or graduate study.

The department achieves this purpose when its graduates are proficient in the following outcomes.

  • Students will apply and demonstrate business principles and concepts of the functional areas of business.
  • Students will research and analyze information, including data, related to one’s field of study.
  • Students will perform effectively in groups.
  • Students will communicate effectively orally, visually and in writing in a manner relevant to the field and intended audience.
  • Students will understand demands and challenges facing businesses in a global environment.

One major, two interdisciplinary majors, and a minor are available within the Department of Business Administration. Within the Business Administration major, there are four emphasis areas, and a student must choose at least one area in which to concentrate their study: Management, Marketing, Finance, and Accounting.

Core Requirement for all Business Majors: 37 hours

G-BA 130 Principles of Business Management (3 hours)
EC 201 Principles of Economics: Macro (3 hours)
EC 204 Principles of Economics: Micro (3 hours)
AC 205 Financial Accounting (3 hours)
AC 206 Managerial Accounting (3 hours)
BA 215 Business Law (3 hours)
*G-CM 218 Business and Professional Communication (3 hours)
G-BA 220 Business Applied Statistics (4 hours)
BA 221 Marketing (3 hours)
BA 320 Management Information Systems (3 hours)
BA 325 Financial Management (3 hours)
*BA 475 Business Strategy and Policy (3 hours)

Accounting Emphasis

AC 305 Intermediate Accounting I (3 hours)
AC 306 Intermediate Accounting II (3 hours)
AC 315 Cost Accounting (3 hours)
AC 316 Individual Income Tax (3 hours)
AC 437 Principles of Auditing (3 hours)

Hours in Accounting: 15 hours
Business Elective Hours: 6 hours

37 Core + 15 Accounting + 6 Elective = 58 hours

Management Emphasis

BA 324 Organizational Behavior (3 hours)
BA 339 Human Resource Management (3 hours)
BA 342 International Business (3 hours) (Student may substitute G-BA342IT for this course)
BA 490 Operations Management (3 hours)

Hours in Management: 12 hours
Business Elective Hours: 9 hours

37 Core + 12 Management + 9 Elective = 58 hours

Finance Emphasis

AC 305 Intermediate Accounting I (3 hours)
BA 426 Financial Analysis (3 hours)
BA 428 Investments (3 hours)
BA 451 Money and Banking (3 hours)

Hours in Finance: 12 hours
Business Elective Hours: 9 hours

37 Core + 12 Finance+ 9 Elective = 58 total hours

Marketing Emphasis

BA 322 Advertising and Promotion (3 hours)
BA 327 Consumer Behavior (3 hours)
BA 345 Customer Sales Management (3 hours)
BA 427 Marketing Research (3 hours)

Hours in Marketing: 12 hours
Business Elective Hours: 9 hours

37 Core + 12 Marketing + 9 Elective =58 total hours

Business Administration Minor: 

G-BA 130 Principles of Business Management (3 hours)
AC 202 Survey of Accounting (3 hours)
EC 202 Survey of Economics (3 hours)
*G-CM 218 Business and Professional Communication (3 hours)
BA 221 Marketing (3 hours)
BA 215 Business Law (3 hours)
BA 325 Financial Management (3 hours)

Total: 21 hours

Interdisciplinary Majors

The Business Department, in collaboration with other disciplines on campus, supports interdisciplinary majors in: Automotive Restoration Management, Art and Design: Graphic Design Marketing, Healthcare Management, and Sport Management.

CPA Study

Students interested in sitting for the CPA (Certified Public Accountants) exam must meet the requirements of the State Board of Accountancy. One of the requirements is 150 hours of college credit. McPherson College advises students pursuing a career in public accounting to complete their undergraduate degree at McPherson College and any additional coursework required for a concentration in accounting as described in Kansas State Statute (K. S. A. 74 2-7). For additional information, contact the chair of the business department.