Communication Program

Purpose Statement

The mission of the communication department is to prepare competent communicators by providing students a foundation in communication theory and practice that will enhance their personal, civic, and professional lives.

Students who complete the communication major can expect to develop

  • the ability to express audience-centered messages clearly in both speaking and writing.
  • confidence and competence in speaking encounters whether for public presentations or for building interpersonal and professional relationships.
  • strategies for overcoming communication barriers.
  • media literacy including knowledge about how media are created and how media affect how we communicate.

Students who complete the digital media major with the communication emphasis will develop competence in

  • the ability to express audience-centered messages clearly in both speaking and writing.
  • obtaining still images, audio, and video, and combining these media with text to tell stories effectively.
  • designing, laying out, and publishing content online and in print.
  • media literacy including knowledge about how media are created and how media affect how we communicate.

Communication Major

G-CM 120  Introduction to Human Communication (3 hours)
*G-CM 130 Interpersonal Communication (3 hours)
CM 135  Media Writing (3 hours) or CM 235 Magazine & Feature Writing (3 hours)
G-CM 140  Public Speaking (3 hours)
CM 210  Podcasting (3 hours)
G-AR 220  Graphic Design for non-art majors (3 hours)
*CM 220 Special Topics in Popular Culture (3 hours)
*G-CM 221  Intercultural Communication (3 hours)
G-MA 221  Elementary Applied Statistics (4 hours)
CM 240  Gender Communication (3 hours)
CM 305  Editing (3 hours)
CM 310  Public Relations and Social Media Campaigns (3 hours)
*EN 313  Advanced Expository Writing (3 hours)
CM 315  Media Production (2 hours)
CM 325  Conflict Communication (3 hours)
CM 330  Persuasion and Social Influence (3 hours)
CM 340  Web Design I (3 hours)
CM 375  Junior Seminar in Communication (1 hour)
*CM 475A  Senior Seminar in Service in the Community (2 hours)
*CM 475B Senior Seminar in Career Exploration (1 hour)

Total: 55 hours

Digital Media Major

All students completing the digital media major must complete the core courses (25 credit hours). They will then elect to complete the courses in either the communication or the visual design emphasis.

Core Courses (25 hours)

AR 130 Design Software (2 hours)
AR 205 Video Editing & Production (2 hours)
AR 230 Graphic Design I (3 hours)
CM 330 Persuasion and Social Influence (3 hours)
AR 335 Design Software II (3 hours)
CM 340/AR 340 Web Design I (3 hours)
CM 360 Videography I (3 hours)
CM 440/AR 440 Web Design II (3 hours)
CM 410 Videography II (3 hours)

Choose one area of emphasis:

Communication Emphasis (30 hours)

G-CM 120 Introduction to Human Communications (3 hours)
CM 135 Media Writing (3 hours) or CM 235 Magazine & Feature Writing (3 hours)
CM 210 Podcasting (3 hours)
CM 220 Special Topics in Popular Culture (3 hours)
*G-CM 221 Intercultural Communication (3 hours)
CM 305 Editing (3 hours)
EN 315 Expository Writing (3 hours)
CM 315 Media Production (2 hours)
CM 310 Public Relations and Social Media Campaign (3 hours)
CM 375 Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*CM 475A  Senior Seminar in Service in the Community (2 hours)
*CM 475B Senior Seminar in Career Exploration (1 hour)

Total: 55 hours


Visual Design Emphasis (28 hours)

AR 103 Elementary Design (3 hours)
AR 203 Photography I (2 hours)
AR 235 Graphic Design II (3 hours)
AR 260 UX/UI Prototyping (2 hours)
AR 265 UX/UI Application (2 hours)
AR 303 Photography II (3 hours)
AR 320 Typography/Logo Branding (2 hours)
AR 330 Graphic Design III (3 hours)
AR 333 Commercial Photography I (3 hours)
AR 475G Graphic Design IV (3 hours)
AR 470A Graphic Design Senior Show (1 hour)
AR 470B Graphic Design Senior Show (1 hour)

Total: 53 hours

Suggested Supporting Courses for either emphasis

BA 221 Marketing
BA 322 Advertising and Promotion
BA 327 Consumer Behavior
BA 427 Marketing Research
ET 101 Creativity and Innovation

Competency Exam

Students who plan to major in communication, or the communication emphasis of the digital media major, must pass a writing competency exam. This exam will be offered in the spring semester, before pre-enrollment for the fall. Transfer students will take the exam early in their first semester at the college. Students who fail the exam may re-take it after participating in guided study and practice of writing.


Purpose Statement

Students selecting the major in Social Justice and Advocacy are demonstrating their commitment to building stronger communities by learning how they can use communication and knowledge about social problems to help bring about social, cultural, environmental, and political changes. This is an interdisciplinary major which draws from courses that help a student learn about social issues and problems impacting those on the margins of society, and provide students with the communication tools necessary to address these issues. The major is designed to be partially completed through the general education curriculum, which allows a student to pursue additional studies through minors or another major.

Students who complete the Social Justice and Advocacy major can expect to

  • be an engaged and civic-minded member of their community.
  • identify social problems facing our communities.
  • advocate for the needs of those on the margins of society.

Social Justice and Advocacy Major

Foundation Course (3 hours)

Choose one:
   G-CM 120 Introduction to Human Communication (3 hours)
   G-SO 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)

Communication and Advocacy Courses (20 hours)

*G-CM 130 Interpersonal Communication (3 hours)
G-CM 140
Public Speaking (3 hours)
CM 310 Public Relations & Social Media Campaigns (3 hours)
CM 325 Conflict Communication (3 hours)
CM 330 Persuasion and Social Influence (3 hours)
AR 345 Art as Community & Social Practice (2 hours)
Choose one:
     CM 135 Media Writing (3 hours)
     CM 235 Magazine and Feature Writing (3 hours)
    *EN 313 Expository Writing (3 hours)
      EN 420 Creative Writing (3 hours)

Social Issues Courses (12 hours)

SO 206 Social Problems (3 hours)
SO 260 Introduction to Human Services (3 hours
SO 275 Criminal Justice (3 hours)
SO 355 Juvenile Delinquency (3 hours)

Race/Ethnicity/Gender Literacy and Justice Courses (15 hours)

G-SO 202 Minorities in the U.S. (3 hours)
*G-PS 215 Global Peace Studies (3 hours)
*G-CM 221 Intercultural Communication (3 hours)
CM 240 Gender Communication (3 hours)
Choose one:
   G-EN 222 Native American Literature (3 hours)
   G-EN 225 African American Literature (3 hours)
   G-EN 235 Selected Topics in Literature: Latinx American Literature (3 hours)

Senior Capstone Courses (3 hours)

*CM 475A  Senior Seminar in Service in the Community (2 hours)
*CM 475B Senior Seminar in Career Exploration (1 hour)

Total: 53 hours

Recommended General Education Courses

G-AR 220 Graphic Design for Non-Art Majors (3 hours)
G-HI 237 Topics in Social History (3 hours)
G-HS 190 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3 hours)
G-ML 108 Spanish I (3 hours)
G-NS 141 Environmental Science (4 hours)
G-PR 204 Peacemaking: Religious Perspectives (3 hours)
G-PS 125 International Relations (3 hours) or G-PS 102 United States Government (3 hours)


Communication Minor

A minor in communication consists of G-CM 120 Introduction to Human Communication (3 hours), and any other 17 hours of communication courses.  CM 315 Media Production may make up no more than four hours of coursework in the minor.

Storytelling Minor

Students selecting the minor in Storytelling are combining courses to be able to tell the stories of individuals, organizations, and communities. Storytelling is a skill that can enhance nearly any major as it will prepare students to share the information from their major with audiences in a meaningful way. This interdisciplinary minor draws upon courses in communication, English, theatre, and art.

Student Learning Objectives

A student who completes the minor in Storytelling should be able to

  1. tell stories—regardless of the content—with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  2. tell stories in oral, written, and visual formats.
  3. tell the stories of individuals, organizations, and communities in engaging ways.

Required Classes (19 hours total)

G-CM 140 Public Speaking (3 hours)
G-TH 160 Acting I (3 hours)
AR 203 Photography I (2 hours)
AR 205 Video Editing & Production (2 hours)
CM 210 Podcasting (3 hours)
CM 235 Magazine & Feature Writing (3 hours)
*EN 313 Advanced Expository Writing (3 hours) or EN 420 Creative Writing (3 hours)

Elective Supporting Courses (not required)

G-AR 101 Drawing I (2 hours)
G-TH 125 Film and Culture (3 hours)
CM 305 Editing (3 hours)
CM 315 Media Production (1 hour)
CM 360 Videography I (3 hours)
TH 365 Stage and Technical Direction (2 hours)
TH 410 Theatre Seminar (2 hours)
CM 410 Videography II (3 hours)