
Program Purpose Statement & Goals

The department of technology commits itself to developing whole persons through experiential problem solving and the systematic study of automotive restoration technology.

The department achieves this purpose when its students:

  • Demonstrate awareness of how automotive and industrial technology changes and interacts with society.
  • Are prepared for a professional orientation for employment or advanced programs within the automotive field.
  • Acquire technical skills and craftsmanship through systematic study, experiences with technological artifacts, and the solving of technical problems.

Program Core Outcomes

Within the core classes of the Automotive Restoration Program, the department achieves its purposes when graduates:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the major technological systems of the automobile.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of authentic antique automobile restoration materials, methods and techniques.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the materials and tools necessary to complete historically authentic automobile restoration work.

Technology Major

McPherson College offers a unique degree program of authentic automotive restoration technology emphasizing hands-on skills and historical research. This program results in a unique departmental blend of contemporary technology and traditional craftsmanship. The Bachelor of Science in Automotive Restoration Technology major has five different emphases from which to choose.

Program Requirements

In order for a student to enroll in an Automotive Restoration (technology) course, they must be a full-time (at least 12 hours) student at McPherson College in the Automotive Restoration Program.


Automotive Restoration Technology: History Emphasis

The goal of the Automotive Restoration Technology: History emphasis is to develop graduates who are prepared for professional pursuits in the area of automotive history and/or graduate study.

Emphasis Outcomes

This program achieves its purposes when graduates:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of historical automotive research material sources, methods and techniques necessary to complete historically accurate automotive restorations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the historical role of the automobile in society.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the role of the automobile in the history of transportation, technology and science.


Automotive Restoration Technology Core Courses (40-41 hours)

TE 100  Intro to Restoration (2 hours)
TE 141  Engine Rebuilding (4 hours)
TE 145  Drivetrain Restoration (3 hours)
TE 152  Sheet Metal Restoration (4 hours)
TE 161 Automotive Electrical Systems (4 hours)
TE 162  Fundamentals of Woodworking (4 hours) OR TE 262  Machining Technology (3 hours)
TE 200 AR Career Exploration (2 hours)
TE 202  Research & Documentation (2 hours)
TE 271  Chassis Restoration (4 hours)
TE 275  Automotive Paint Restoration (4 hours)
TE 281  Automotive Trim (4 hours)
TE 385  Restoration Assembly Processes (4 hours)

History Core Courses (15 hours)

G-HI 130  Introductory Methods for Historical Analysis (3 hours)
G-HI 205  Social History of the Automobile (3 hours)
*G-HI/TE 333  Technology & Society (3 hours)
*HI 410  Colloquium in Historiography (3 hours)
*HI 475  Senior Thesis (3 hours)

History Electives (6 hours)

Pick at least two classes from the following list:
AR/HI 245  The History of Automotive Design (3 hours)
G-HI 150  American History since 1877 (3 hours)
G-HI 220  Modern Europe (3 hours)
G-HI 236  Topics in Social History (3 hours)
G-HI 237  Topics in Political History (3 hours)
HI 301 Advanced Topics in History (3 hours)

Total: 61-62 hours

Automotive Restoration Technology: Management Emphasis

The goal of the Automotive Restoration Technology: Management emphasis is to develop graduates who are prepared for professional pursuits and/or graduate study.

Emphasis Outcomes

This emphasis achieves its purposes when its graduates:

  • Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and application of the principles, concepts, and tools taught within the Management emphasis.
  • Perform research, analysis, and critical thinking necessary to integrate key content from various business disciplines.
  • Perform effectively in groups.
  • Persuasively communicate business-related ideas of a variety of media and settings.


Automotive Restoration Technology Core Courses (43-44 hours)

G-HI 205  Social History of the Automobile (3 hours)
TE 100  Intro to Restoration (2 hours)
TE 161 Automotive Electrical Systems (4 hours)
TE 162  Fundamentals of Woodworking (4 hours) OR TE 262  Machining Technology (3 hours)
TE 141  Engine Rebuilding (4 hours)
TE 145  Drivetrain Restoration (3 hours)
TE 152  Sheet Metal Restoration (4 hours)
TE 200 AR Career Exploration (2 hours)
TE 202  Research & Documentation (2 hours)
TE 271  Chassis Restoration (4 hours)
TE 275  Automotive Paint Restoration (4 hours)
TE 281  Automotive Trim (4 hours)
TE 385  Restoration Assembly Processes (4 hours)

Business Management Courses (27 hours)

G-BA 130 Principles of Business Management (3 hours)
EC 202  Survey of Economics (3 hours)
AC 202  Survey of Accounting (3 hours)
BA 215  Business Law (3 hours)
BA 221  Marketing (3 hours)
BA 235  Small Business Management (3 hours)
BA 325  Financial Management I (3 hours)
BA 339  Human Resources Management (3 hours)
*BA 475  Business Strategy and Policy (3 hours)

Total: 70-71 hours

Automotive Restoration Technology: Communication Emphasis

The goal of the Automotive Restoration Technology: Communication emphasis is to develop graduates who have the skills and technical knowledge to communicate effectively in a variety of media to an audience focused on automotive issues.

Emphasis Outcomes

This emphasis achieves its purposes when its graduates:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of methods and techniques necessary to complete and document historically accurate automotive restorations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the historical role of the automobile in society and historical automotive research material sources.
  • Demonstrate visual, oral and written communication skills necessary to pursue a career in automotive communication, publishing or other media.
  • Understand the media of communication, including mass media and computer technologies.


Automotive Restoration Technology Core Courses (43-44 hours)

G-HI 205  Social History of the Automobile (3 hours)
TE 100  Intro to Restoration (2 hours)
TE 161 Automotive Electrical Systems (4 hours)
TE 162  Fundamentals of Woodworking (4 hours) OR TE 262  Machining Technology (3 hours)
TE 141  Engine Rebuilding (4 hours)
TE 145  Drivetrain Restoration (3 hours)
TE 152  Sheet Metal Restoration (4 hours)
TE 200 AR Career Exploration (2 hours)
TE 202  Research & Documentation (2 hours)
TE 271  Chassis Restoration (4 hours)
TE 275  Automotive Paint Restoration (4 hours)
TE 281  Automotive Trim (4 hours)
TE 385  Restoration Assembly Processes (4 hours)

Communication Core (31 hours)

G-CM 120  Intro to Human Communication (3 hours)
CM 135  Media Writing (3 hours)
G-CM 140  Public Speaking (3 hours)
CM 210  Podcasting (3 hours)
*G-CM 221  Intercultural Communication (3 hours)
CM 305  Editing (3 hours) OR CM 310  Public Relations and Social Media Campaigns (3 hours)
CM 315  Media Production (3 hours)
CM 375  Junior Seminar in Communication (1 hour)
CM 388  Career Conn. in Communication OR TE 388  Career Conn. In Technology (3 hours)
*CM 475A  Senior Seminar: Service in the Community (2 hours)
*CM 475B Senior Seminar: Career Exploration (1 hour)
*EN 313  Expository Writing OR EN 420  Creative Writing (3 hours)

Total: 74-75 hours

Automotive Restoration Technology: Art and Design Emphasis

The Automotive Restoration Technology: Art and Design emphasis is for the student who wishes to pursue a career in automotive art. This option will develop majors who possess the technical knowledge and artistic abilities necessary to execute a variety of art skills sensitively and intelligently, analyze and critique art, and relate the creative process to life in personally meaningful ways.

This degree option within the technology and art departments is oriented to meet the needs of students who (1) wish to develop and refine their aesthetic values (2) plan for careers as automotive artists (3) plan to further their art education in graduate school.

Emphasis Outcomes

This emphasis achieves its purposes when its graduates:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of history in automotive design.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to produce automotive art.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of design principles and elements.
  • Demonstrate a completed body of work in a senior exhibition.


Automotive Restoration Technology Core Courses (46-47 hours)

G-HI 205  Social History of the Automobile (3 hours)
TE 100  Intro to Restoration (2 hours)
TE 110  Technical Drawing/CAD (3 hours)
TE 141  Engine Rebuilding (4 hours)
TE 145  Drivetrain Restoration (3 hours)
TE 152  Sheet Metal Restoration (4 hours)
TE 161 Automotive Electrical Systems (4 hours)
TE 162  Fundamentals of Woodworking (4 hours) OR TE 262  Machining Technology (3 hours)
TE 200 AR Career Exploration (2 hours)
TE 202  Research & Documentation (2 hours)
TE 271  Chassis Restoration (4 hours)
TE 275  Automotive Paint Restoration (4 hours)
TE 281  Automotive Trim (4 hours)
TE 385  Restoration Assembly Processes (4 hours)

Art Core Courses (28 hours)

G-AR 101  Drawing I (2 hours)
AR 103  Elementary Design (3 hours)
AR 202  Painting II (2 hours)
AR 203  Photography I (2 hours)
G-AR 220  Graphic Design for Non-Art Majors (3 hours)
AR/HI 245  The History of Automotive Design (3 hours)
*G-AR 311  Art History II (4 hours)
AR 312 Contemporary Themes in Art (3 hours)
AR 335  Design Software II (3 hours)
AR 475A/B  Senior Show: Studio Arts (3 hours–2 hours in fall, 1 hour in spring)

Total: 74-75 hours

Automotive Restoration Design Major Internship/Field experience (recommended):

TE 295/495  Field Experience (work experience in automotive Art/Design) (OR) (1 – 4 hours)
TE 388  Career Connections (Internship in automotive Art/Design) (1 – 10 hours)
1-12 hours total

Automotive Restoration Technology Emphasis

The Automotive Restoration Technology emphasis is for the student who intends to pursue the authentic restoration of vintage and classic vehicles and develop values of craftsmanship, with attention to detail and an emphasis on authenticity. Graduates will be able to reference a wide variety of processes, methods and will have research capabilities. Graduates will be able to understand the automobile as a technological system and understand its development and role in society.

Emphasis Outcomes

This emphasis achieves its purposes when its graduates:

  • Possess knowledge of historical automotive research material sources, methods and techniques necessary to complete and document historically accurate automotive restorations.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the materials and tools necessary to complete authentic automobile restoration work.
  • Demonstrate the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a business career in antique automobile restoration.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the historical role of the automobile in society.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of related and supporting scientific fields.


Automotive Restoration Technology Core Courses (54 hours)

G-HI 205  Social History of the Automobile (3 hours)
TE 100  Intro to Restoration (2 hours)
TE 141  Engine Rebuilding (4 hours)
TE 145  Drive Train Restoration (3 hours)
TE 152  Sheet Metal Restoration (4 hours)
TE 161 Automotive Electrical Systems (4 hours)
TE 162  Fundamentals of Woodworking (4 hours)
TE 200 AR Career Exploration (2 hours)
TE 202  Research & Documentation (2 hours)
TE 262  Machining Technology (3 hours)
TE 271  Chassis Restoration (4 hours)
TE 275  Automotive Paint Restoration (4 hours)
TE 281  Automotive Trim (4 hours)
TE 301  Materials and Processes (3 hours)
TE 385  Restoration Assembly Processes (4 hours)
*TE 475A  Technology Senior Project (2 hours)
TE475B  Technology Senior Project (2 hours)

6 credit hours from the following upper-level courses:

TE 341  Advanced Engine Rebuilding (3 hours)
TE 406 Woodworking in Automotive Coachwork (3 hours)
TE 414
Advanced Automotive Electronical Systems (3 hours)
TE 452  Advanced Sheet Metal Restoration (3 hours)
TE 462 Advanced Manual Machining (3 hours)
TE 480  Advanced Automotive Paint Restoration (3 hours)
TE 481  Advanced Automotive Trim (3 hours)

3 credit hours from the following courses:

TE 252  Vintage Panel Restoration (3 hours)
TE 242  Re-Babbitting (spring – on demand) (3 hours)
TE 353  Finishing Touches (3 hours)
TE 380  Applied Diagnostics (3 hours)
TE 388  Internship (3 hours)

Total: 63 hours

Recommended Supporting Courses:

AR/HI 245  The History of Automotive Design (3 hours)
G-CH 101  Principles of General Chemistry (4 hours)
G-PH 215  General Physics (4 hours)
TE 110  Engineering Drawing/CAD (3 hours)

Special Course Options:

295/495 Field Experience (1-4 hours)
297 Study Abroad (12-16 hours)
299/499 Independent Study (1-4 hours)
388 Career Connections (3-10 hours)
445 Readings and Research (1-4 hours)