05 Special Programs

//05 Special Programs

Pre-Professional Programs


Although the pre-law student may choose a major in any field, a strong knowledge of either philosophy/religion, sociology (especially criminal justice), or politics/history proves very helpful. Hence one of these three majors is recommended for the pre-law student:

  • B.A. in Philosophy and Religion: Pre-Law
  • B.S. in Sociology (Criminal Justice emphasis)
  • B.S. in Politics and History

Students interested in law should counsel with the pre-law advisor or with the chair of the department of philosophy/religion, sociology, or history/politics. If you are considering law school, then the following courses (if not already required by your major) are excellent elective options.

BA 215 Business Law (3 hours)
G-CM 130 Interpersonal Communication (3 hours)
G-CM 140 Public Speaking (3 hours)
CM 325 Conflict Communication (3 hours)
CM 330 Persuasion and Social Influence (3 hours)
EC 201 Principles of Economics: Macro (3 hours)
EC 204 Principles of Economics: Micro (3 hours)
G-HI 140 U.S. History to 1877 (3 hours)
G-HI 150 U.S. History since 1877 (3 hours)
G-PR 104 or G-PR 104L Ethics (3 hours if G-PR 104; 4 hours and language intensive if G-PR 104L)
G-PR 107 Critical Thinking (3 hours)
G-PR 310 Religion and Law (3 hours)
G-PR 360 Modern Logic (3 hours)
PR 375B Junior Seminar: LSAT Prep (3 hours)
PR 432 Philosophy of Law (3 hours)
G-PS 102 U.S. Government (3 hours)
PS 356 American Diplomacy (3 hours)
PY/SO 308 Counseling (3 hours)
SO 206 Social Problems (3 hours)
SO 275 Criminal Justice (3 hours)


Medicine, Osteopathy, or Dentistry

Students who prepare for application to medical, osteopathic or dental school should complete a baccalaureate degree in any field. The recommended degrees are biology or biochemistry, which provides the best collection of courses suggested by most medical or health professional schools. The required courses include a minimum of the following:

G-BI 111 College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112 College Biology II (4 hours)
G-CH 111 College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112 College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251 Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252 Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
BI 310/CH 310 Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)
G-PH 215 General Physics I (4 hours)
PH 216 General Physics II (4 hours)

Other advanced courses recommended include:

BI 225 Human Anatomy (4 hours)
BI 315 Human Physiology (4 hours)
BI 325 Human Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health (4 hours)
BI/CH 370 Biochemistry (4 hours)
BI/CH 373 Cell Physiology/Biochemistry II (5 hours)

A faculty member of the natural science department serves as pre-health advisor and should be consulted when planning a program to meet a specific school’s admission requirements.

Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant

A transition is under way in the physical therapy and physician assistant fields from training that culminates in a master’s degree to programs that grant the master’s or doctoral degree. Therefore, pre-physical therapy and pre-physician assistant students should first complete a baccalaureate degree at McPherson College. The recommended majors are biology or health science. The recommended courses include a minimum of the following:

G-BI 111 College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112 College Biology II (4 hours)
BI 225 Human Anatomy (4 hours)
BI 315 Human Physiology (4 hours)
G-CH 111 College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112 College Chemistry II (5 hours)
G-PH 215 General Physics I (4 hours)
PH 216 General Physics II (4 hours)
BI/CH 310 Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)

A faculty member of the natural science department serves as pre-health advisor for biology majors. The director of the health care initiatives serves as advisor for health science majors. These advisors should be consulted when planning a program to meet a specific school’s admission requirements.

Optometry, Podiatry

Three years of college are the minimum requirement to be considered for admission to optometry or podiatry school; however, the vast majority of students admitted have completed a college degree, majoring in one of the sciences. The recommended degree at McPherson College is biology, which provides the best collection of courses suggested by most health professional schools. The basic admission requirements in the sciences may usually be met with the following courses:

G-BI 111 College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112 College Biology II (4 hours)
G-CH 111 College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112 College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251 Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252 Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
BI/CH 310 Statistical Data Analysis (4 hours)
G-PH 215 General Physics I (4 hours)
PH 216 General Physics II (4 hours)

Other advanced courses recommended include:

BI 225 Human Anatomy (4 hours)
BI 234 Microbiology (5 hours)
BI 315 Human Physiology (4 hours)
BI/CH 370 Biochemistry (4 hours)

A faculty member of the natural science department serves as pre-health advisor and should be consulted when planning a program to meet a specific school’s admission requirements.


Students preparing for a career in pharmacy may attend McPherson College for at least two years during which the following courses must be taken: 20 hours chemistry, 16 hours biology, four hours mathematics, four hours physics, and 16 hours English, economics, and other electives in the social sciences and humanities. A faculty member of the natural science department serves as pre-health advisor and should be consulted when planning a program to meet a specific school’s admission requirements.

Social Work

McPherson College has well prepared its students majoring in the Behavioral Sciences for entrance into Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) degree programs. The pre-professional program at McPherson College commits itself to fostering student learning in career-oriented liberal arts so that students are prepared for community service and/or graduate study in social work. Students who have acquired knowledge and skills requisite for entry into the field of social services and graduate social work education demonstrate proficient knowledge, understanding, and application of psychological and sociological theories and concepts.

All accredited graduate programs in social work require a four year bachelor’s degree for admission. The pre-social work student should plan the liberal arts program to include courses in arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and biological sciences. Although the pre-social work student may choose a major in any field, a strong knowledge of human services, personality theory, counseling, and social problems is strongly recommended. The B.S. in psychology or sociology, with the health and human services emphasis is recommended.

M.S.W. programs require evidence of relevant paid/volunteer work experience related to human services organizations. The pre-social work student should therefore be prepared to complete at least one one internship or field experience related to community/social services. (The College’s Career Connections program is highly recommended.)

The M.S.W. Degree prepares graduates for advances social work practices in one of three areas—clinical social practice with individuals, families, and groups; social work administration/community practice aimed at social service administration and social policy development; and school social work. With such diverse professional practice concentrations, it is difficult to outline a generic program to prepare all pre-social work students for admission to these practice areas. Students should counsel with the pre-social work advisor to help them identify the type of professional program they are considering, and to assist them in developing a plan for completing the graduate admission requirements of that program. internship or field.

Although M.S.W. programs differ in admissions requirements, the following courses, in addition to the major, are recommended for students interested in entering the social work profession at the graduate level:

PY 405 Personality Theories (3 hours)
PY/SO 308 Counseling (3 hours)
SO 206 Social Problems (3 hours)

Courses in the Health & Human Services Emphasis:

SO 260 Introduction to Human Services (3 hours)
SO 365 Social Work in American Society (3 hours)
PY 430 Health Psychology (3 hours)
SO 470 Social Gerontology (3 hours)
PY/SO 388 Career Connections (1-10 hours)
PY/SO 295/495 Field Experience (1-4 hours)

Veterinary Medicine

At least two years of college are required to be considered for admission into a college of veterinary medicine; however, the vast majority of students admitted have completed a college degree, majoring in one of the sciences. The pre- veterinary medicine student will plan an appropriate course of study with the help of a faculty advisor. Courses are selected to meet requirements of the specific college of veterinary medicine to which the student plans to apply The following courses are representative of those required by colleges of veterinary medicine for students seeking admission:

G-BI 111 College Biology I (4 hours)
BI 112 College Biology II (4 hours)
BI 234 Microbiology (5 hours)
BI 383 Genetics (4 hours)
G-CH 111 College Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 112 College Chemistry II (5 hours)
CH 251 Organic Chemistry I (5 hours)
CH 252 Organic Chemistry II (5 hours)
BI/CH 370 Biochemistry (4 hours)
G-PH 215 General Physics I (4 hours)
PH 216 General Physics II (4 hours)

It is common for pre-veterinary medicine students to complete the bachelor of science degree before applying for admittance to veterinary school. A student electing to do so should pursue one of the programs at McPherson College that lead to a major in biology, chemistry, or biochemistry.

2024|05 Special Programs, Catalog 24-25|

The Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture

McPherson College students interested in exploring the vital issues facing American cities have the opportunity to participate in The Chicago Center programs. Combining classroom study with action-based internships, The Chicago Center lives up to its motto: “Chicago is our classroom.” For a short-term or a semester, students receive McPherson College credit hours while they live, study and work in one of the United State’s most exciting urban environments.

The Chicago Center’s emphasis on “hands-on” experience helps students deepen their understanding of America’s economic and political structures, race and gender relations, and the role of the arts in community and social discourse. The direct link between the classroom and the internship increases student understanding of the practical work world outside the college campus. In addition to the academic coursework, the Center provides both housing and orientation training. The latter includes practical instruction in a variety of “city smart” skills ranging from basic street safety to using the city transit system.

The Chicago Center is open to students from any field of study and internships are available in a wide range of discipline areas.

2024|05 Special Programs, Catalog 24-25|

International Study

McPherson College students have exciting opportunities to live and study outside the United States. Options available include one-semester programs (both fall and spring), full-year programs, and summer programs. Programs include traditional classroom experiences, internships, and service-learning experiences.

McPherson is affiliated with two major international organizations that manage international study: BCA Study Abroad Powered by Amizade (bca.terradotta.com) and ISA International Studies Abroad (studiesabroad.com). Through these organizations, students have access to programming at more than 50 universities in over 30 different countries. The college’s director of international study can help students access programs beyond these two partner organizations at additional universities in other countries.

The study abroad experience begins by meeting with the director of international studies. Then students work with their academic and financial aid advisors to select the program that best matches their interests and career goals. Student athletes will also want to meet with their coaches and plan their study abroad to match their eligibility and team schedules.

Following the study abroad experience, student academic credits will be transferred to the college’s transcript and become part of the student’s permanent record, providing documentation of the student’s achievement. Please note: Study abroad official transcripts typically take longer to receive than domestic transcripts. If the student is also an athlete, he/she will want to work with the study abroad institution and their coach as to not impact athletic eligibility.

During their international study experience, students will retain enrollment at McPherson, using course code **297, where ** represents the major department’s course code prefix (BI for biology as an example). Once the official transcript arrives from the study abroad school, the registrar’s office will work with the student’s academic advisor for the coursework equivalencies.

Recent international study destinations for McPherson students have included: Spain, Thailand, Japan, Ireland, England, and Ecuador.


2024|05 Special Programs, Catalog 24-25|