Health, Physical Education & Recreation

///Health, Physical Education & Recreation

Health, Physical Education & Recreation Program

Purpose Statement

The department of health, physical education and recreation commits itself to developing graduates that embrace the liberal arts philosophy and can demonstrate a variety of skills efficiently and effectively, can analyze and critique movement, and understand the interrelationship of health, fitness, and wholeness in life.

The department achieves this purpose when its graduates

  • understand the concepts of physical education and health content and applies these concepts for the development of an educated learner;
  • understand how individuals learn and develop, including special needs learners, and can provide safe, developmentally appropriate opportunities that support their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development in the physical education environment;
  • understand the need to foster relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians and other professionals in the learning community and seeks opportunities to grow professionally;
  • uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration and engagement in various physical activity settings and understands how individuals differ in their approaches to learning;
  • plans and implements a variety of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies to develop physical educated individuals;
  • understand and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to foster the learning and skill development of all learners in physical activity;
  • uses an understanding of individual group motivation and behavior to create a safe learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation;
  • develop a personal strategy for health and fitness, understanding that behaviors learned are a continual, lifelong process;
  • demonstrate an appreciation for the necessary impact of play on the quality of life;
  • meet the qualifications and standards of their chosen profession (majors only);
  • meet State Department of Education standards and NCATE standards for licensure in the area of physical education and health (applies to those seeking teaching certification in physical education and health).

The department offers programs designed for teaching physical education and health in the elementary and secondary schools, graduate preparation, and a related area of special emphasis in sports management.

Physical Education and Health Major

Completion of the required and supporting courses listed below, plus courses and/or a selected emphasis area of professional preparation should total a minimum of 37 semester hours in the department of physical education and 11 semester hours of required related courses.


PE 110  Introduction to Team Sports (2 hours)
G-PE 150  Concepts of Holistic Health (2 hours)
PE 160  Intro to Dual and Individual Sports I (2 hours)
PE 161  Intro to Dual and Individual Sports II (2 hours)
G-PE 170   Personal and Community Health (2 hours)
PE 180  First Aid and Personal Safety (2 hours)
PE 210  Human Sexuality (3 hours)
PE 220  Human Anatomy and Physiology for Physical Education (2 hours)
PE 280  Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries (3 hours)
PE 288  Psychology and Sociology of Sport (2 hours)
PE 330  Physiology of Exercise (3 hours)
PE 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
*PE 380  History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education (3 hours)
PE 411  Kinesiology (3 hours)
PE 450  Organization & Administration of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics (3 hours)
PE 475  Senior Seminar (2-6 hours)

Required Supporting Courses

G-BI 101 Principles of Biology 4 hours) or
G-BI 111 College Biology (4 hours) or
G-BI 106 Environmental Biology (4 hours)
PE/SO 210 Human Sexuality (3 hours)

Additional Requirements for Teacher Education Majors, PK-12

Professional Education Requirements

Related Courses:

PY 101  Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
PY 204  Child and Adolescent Development (3 hours)
CI 232  Educational Technology (2 hours)
CI 333  Intercultural Education (2 hours)

Education Courses:

CI 150  Introduction to Education (3 hours)
CI 251  Introduction to Education Practicum (1 hour)
SE 210  Intro to Infant, Child, Youth with Special Needs (3 hours)
CI 220  Principles & Strategies of Teaching (3 hours)
CI 315  Reading in the Content Field (2 hours)
CI 455  The Teaching-Learning Process (3 hours)

Methods Courses:

PE/CI 426  Methods of Teaching School Health (2 hours)
PE/EE 305  Methods of Teaching PE in Elementary School (2 hours)
PE/CI 410  Methods of Teaching PE in Secondary School (2 hours)

Observations & Student Teaching:

CI 351  Secondary Education Practicum (1 hour)
EE 375  Elementary Education Practicum (1 hour)
EE 465  Student Teaching in the Elementary School (6 hours)
CI 475  Student Teaching in the Secondary School (6 hours)
CI 476  Professional Seminar in Education (2 hours)

Total Hours 45 hours

Additional Requirements for Sports Management Emphasis

G-BA 101  Introduction to Business (3 hours)
EC 202  Survey of Economics (3 hours)
AC 205  Financial Accounting (3 hours)
BA 224  Principles of Management (3 hours)
BA 321  Marketing (3 hours)
*BA 339  Human Resource Management (3 hours)


Health, Physical Education & Recreation Course Descriptions

PE 110 Introduction to Team Sports

2 hours
This course is an introduction to the organization, strategy, rules and practice of team sports. Team Sports covered in this course will include, but not be limited to ultimate frisbee, team handball, floor/field hockey, speedball, continuous whiffleball/ kickball, volleyball, cageball soccer/basketball, and mattball. This course is an introduction to the organization and practice of soccer, speedball, field hockey, softball, team handball, and volleyball. (Fall )

PE 140 Introduction to Rhythms and Dance

2 hours
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a wide spectrum of information on rhythmic activities and dance. Students will learn body movements and how to perform them to music. Students will also choreograph and teach developmentally appropriate rhythmic activities and dance to others. (On Demand)

G-PE 150 Concepts in Holistic Health

2 hours
This course is designed to present the student with cognitive health and wellness principles and to offer suggestions for their application. These principles will be examined using a traditional approach with a variety of cultural influences. Major areas of study include mind-body interrelatedness and control, stress management, individual fitness, health and health related topics, and lifestyle management (including play). (Fall, Spring)

PE 160 Introduction to Individual and Dual Sports I

2 hours
This course is comprised of an introduction to the fundamentals, organization, and practice of tennis, golf, bowling, badminton, dance-ballroom/swing, orienteering, disc golf, and blow guns. This course exists because a basic understanding of the physical and mental principles in individual and dual sports is essential for the fullest and richest enjoyment. (Fall)

PE 161 Introduction to Individual and Dual Sports II

2 hours
This course is comprised of an introduction to the organization and practice of racquetball, Pickleball, archery, ladderball, table tennis, billiards, dance – square/ line and fishing/camping. Individual and dual sports are an integral part of our society. This course exists because a basic understanding of the physical and mental principles in individual and dual sports is essential for the fullest and richest enjoyment. (Spring)

G-PE 170 Personal and Community Health

2 hours
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a wide variety of information concerning personal and community health and wellness. It is designed to have an overview of the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of health as they combine to influence the complete human being. Included within the course will be an introduction to the management of stress, physical fitness, nutrition and weight management, drug use and abuse, noninfectious and infectious diseases, sexuality and fertility, consumerism, environmental concerns and the maturing adult. Additionally, a practical approach to setting up a personal improvement plan for lifetime wellness will be stressed. (Fall, Spring)

PE 180 First Aid and Personal Safety

2 hours
This course is designed for all students to understand and prevent accident situations, to treat a wide variety of accident and emergency situations including use of supportive equipment and psychological first aid, and receive American Red Cross certification for CPR. (Fall)

PE/PY/SO 210 Human Sexuality

3 hours
A study of female roles, male roles, values, life adjustments, sexual identities, religion, language, and behavior differences based on cultural, educational and socioeconomic factors related to human sexuality. Course uses lectures, audio- visuals, discussions, guest resource persons, assigned readings, and projects or papers to present information. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or higher or instructor consent. (Spring)

PE 220 Human Anatomy and Physiology for Physical Education

2 hours
Anatomy and physiology is designed to introduce the student to the science of the body structure and function. Content is presented in a simple to complex pattern which includes the design and function of cells, body systems, and the interdependence of systems. (Fall)

PE 280 Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries

3 hours
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a wide spectrum of information on the care and treatment of athletes and their injuries. It is designed to provide an overview of emergency procedures and on-court assessment of injured athletes. The importance of preventative measures and an overview of the responsibilities of an athletic trainer will be addressed. Preparation and taping for game day will be discussed theoretically and rehearsed practically. (Fall)

PE 288 Psychology and Sociology of Sport

2 hours
This course is designed to expose the student to the principles of psychology and sociology as applied to a sports setting. The purpose being performance enhancement with the ultimate goal of individual/human enrichment. (Spring)

PE/EE 305 Methods for Teaching Physical Education in the Elementary School

2 hours
This course is designed to introduce prospective elementary school physical education and classroom teachers to the fundamentals, principles, and practices of physical education at the elementary school level. Movement exploration and methods will be stressed in the variety of play activities introduced. Additionally, this course has been designed to integrate theory and concept learning with practical laboratory experiences. Prerequisites: G-CI 150, CI 151. (Spring)

PE 426/CI 426 Methods for Teaching Health in Elementary and Secondary School

2 hours
A course designed to acquaint the student with a variety of methods and modalities for teaching school health. The health problems of the individual school child and his/her environment will also be studied. Students will be videotaped when teaching a lesson. Prerequisites: G-PE 150 or G-PE 170, G-CI 150, CI 151. (Interterm)

PE 330 Physiology of Exercise

3 hours
This course is designed for future educators, coaches, and a variety of other health professionals including physical therapists, occupational therapists, fitness programmers and other persons interested in his field. This course will provide concepts for safe and sensible conduct of sport and physical education programs as well as any other exercise-based programs. Prerequisites: G-BI 101, PE 220. (Spring, odd)

PE375 Junior Seminar

1 hour
This course is designed to help students foster relationships with colleagues and other professionals in the learning community for the promotion of health and physical education techniques for learning and teaching.

PE 380 History & Philosophy of Sport & Physical Education

3 hours (Language Intensive)
A study of the development of sport and physical education as affected by major historical periods and events. (Fall, even)

PE/EE 410 Methods for Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary Schools

2 hours
A study of various teaching techniques and analysis of fundamental skills of physical education activities in the secondary school setting. The course offers an opportunity to explore various teaching techniques in individual, dual, and team activities in the field of physical education for the secondary schools. Prerequisites: PE 110, PE 160, PE 161, G-CI 150, CI 251. (Interterm,)

PE 411 Kinesiology

3 hours
Kinesiology is the study of human motion based on anatomical, physiological and mechanical principles. The study of the human body as machine for the performance of work will be examined from three major areas, mechanics, anatomy and physiology. All students should have prerequisite courses of Principles of Biology and Introductory Chemistry. All students who have met the above requirements are welcome to participate in this course, but it will be taught from the perspective of those going into physical education and/or coaching. Prerequisites: G-BI 101, G-CH 101. (Fall, odd)

PE 450 Organization and Administration of Health, Physical Education and Athletics

3 hours
It is the goal of this course to introduce students to a variety of situations involving organization and administrative skills, and through this process, provide students with a broad range of organizational and administrative alternatives useful in the successful administration of school health, physical education and athletic programs. (Fall, odd)

Pe 475 Senior Seminar

2 hours
This is the culminating or “capstone” course for Physical Education majors that do not participate in student teaching. Discussion of current topics in Physical Education and the Allied Health fields would be combined with field experience to give the student a practical understanding of the fields they have chosen to pursue.

Intercollegiate Competition:

PE 211 & 311 Intercollegiate Softball – Women (1 hour)
PE 213 & 313 Intercollegiate Football-Men (1 hour )
PE 214 & 314 Intercollegiate Basketball (1 hour)
PE 215 & 315 Intercollegiate Cross Country (1 hour)
PE 216 & 316 Intercollegiate Track and Field (1 hour)
PE 217 & 317 Intercollegiate Volleyball-Women (1 hour)
PE 219 & 319 Intercollegiate Soccer (1 hour)

Prerequisite: One season of intercollegiate competition.

Individualized Courses Available:

295/495 Field Experience (1-4 hours)
299/499 Independent Study (1-4 hours)
388 Career Connections (1-12 hours)
445 Readings and Research (1-4 hours)