

Psychology Program

Purpose Statement

The psychology program commits itself to developing majors with pre- professional training and non-majors with basic knowledge of and skills in psychology. The program achieves this purpose when its students:

  • understand themselves, others, and how individuals interact within social systems
  • have acquired knowledge and skills requisite for entry into selected professions, especially pre-professional careers in the behavioral sciences
  • have acquired knowledge and skills requisite for entry into graduate programs in psychology and related fields
  • have bridged the gap between theory and practice through Internships
  • meet State Department of Education standards for certification in the area of psychology (applies to candidates for teacher certification in psychology)

In addition to preparing its majors, psychology contributes to the general education program and serves other majors.

Teaching licensure is available in this area. Students who wish to double major in psychology and sociology need have only one emphasis.

Psychology Major


G-PY 101  Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
PY 204  Child and Adolescent Development (3-4 hours)
PY/SO 335  Research Methods I (4 hours)
PY/SO 303  Social Psychology (3 hours)
PY 305  Abnormal Psychology (3-4 hours)
PY 415  Learning, Memory, and Cognition (3 hours)
PY 336  Research Methods II (4 hours)
PY/SO 375  Junior Seminar (1 hour)
PY 405  Personality Theories (3 hours)
PY/SO 308  Counseling (3 hours)
*PY 450  History and Systems of Psychology (3 hours)
PY/SO 474  Scientific Writing for the Behavioral Sciences (2 hours)


*PY/SO 475  Senior Seminar/Thesis (2 hours)
G-MA 221  Elementary Applied Statistics (4 hours)

Psychology majors seeking 6-12 teaching licensure may substitute Student Teaching in the Secondary School (CI 475) for Senior Seminar/Thesis (PY 475).

Child Development Emphasis

PY 254  Parent-Child Relations (3 hours)
PY 354  Child Development and Social Policy (3 hours)
PY 454  Applied Behavior Analysis and Youth (3 hours)
PY 470  Developmental Psychopathology (3 hours)

Health and Human Services Emphasis

SO 260  Introduction to Human Services (3 hours)
SO 365  Social Work in American Society (3 hours)
PY 430  Health Psychology (3 hours)
SO 470  Social Gerontology (3 hours)

Students seeking special education licensure may use the Adaptive Special education program as their required emphasis.

Recommended courses for Students interested in Human Services careers

PY/SO 210  Human Sexuality (3 hours)
G-SO 101  Introduction to Sociology (3 hours)
G-SO 202  Minorities in the U.S. (3-4 hours)
SO 206  Social Problems (3-4 hours)
G-SO 246  Marriage and Family (3-4 hours)

As much practical experience in human service placements as possible

Psychology Minor


G-PY 101  Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
PY 204  Child and Adolescent Development (3-4 hours)
PY/SO 303  Social Psychology (3 hours)
PY 305  Abnormal Psychology (3-4 hours)

Electives to total 18 hours


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Psychology Course Descriptions

G-PY 101 Introduction to Psychology

3 hours
A survey of psychology emphasizing applications to the life of the student. Assumptions of psychological scientists are examined and scientific methods of investigating and reasoning about human behavior are introduced. (Fall, Spring)

PY 204 Child and Adolescent Development

3-4 hours
A basic course dealing with the various processes of child and adolescent development. The overarching goal or mission of the course is to present the basic knowledge of child development in an applied context in which the established knowledge base of child psychology is used to suggest solutions to social problems of children in this society and in the world community. Prerequisite: G-PY 101 Introduction to Psychology. (Spring)

PY/SO/PE 210 Human Sexuality

3 hours
A study of female roles, male roles, values, life adjustments, sexual identities, religion, language, and behavior differences based on cultural, educational and socioeconomic factors related to human sexuality. Course uses lectures, audio- visuals, discussions, guest resource persons, assigned readings, and projects or papers to present information. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or higher or instructor consent. (Spring)

PY 254 Parent-Child Relations

3 hours
A study of parenting across the lifespan. Topics include parenting styles, parenting strategies, and parenting in different family systems. (Spring)

PY 295 Field Experience in Psychology

1-4 hours
Various types of placements are available for practical experience relevant to the psychology major. Examples: institutions for people with developmental disabilities, adolescent group-homes, the Big Brother/Big Sister program, and others.

PY/SO 303 Social Psychology

3 hours
A study of the individual as he/she is affected by other persons. Topics covered include: interpersonal relations, social learning, conformity and individuality, attitudes, groups and organizations, and others. Discussion and involvement methods are emphasized. Prerequisite: 6 hours in the behavioral sciences or instructor consent. (Spring)

PY 305 Abnormal Psychology

3-4 hours
A study of behaviors variously classified as abnormal, psychopathic, sociopathic, disordered, mentally ill, retarded, neurotic, psychotic, deviant and others. Prerequisite: 6 hours in psychology and junior standing. (Fall, odd years)

PY/SO 308 Counseling

3 hours
A study of the theory and practice of counseling including a survey of the various systems of psychotherapy (person-centered therapy, psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, etc.) and learning, through role- play, of skills needed to be a helper. Prerequisite: PY 405 or instructor consent. (Spring)

PY/SO 335 Research Methods I

4 hours
The basic research methods course for behavioral science majors. Correlational, survey, and case study techniques, basic experimental design, research ethics, and general professional conduct of empirical investigation are studied in a team- taught format. Lecture, laboratory, and practical field exercises are used as learning methods. Prerequisite: G-MA221. Concurrent enrollment is acceptable. (Fall)

PY/SO/PE 336 Research Methods II

4 hours
The second of the two basic research methods courses for behavioral science majors. Relatively advanced scientific research designs and statistical analyses are studied. SPSS, a statistical package, is used for most of the work in the course. Prerequisites: G-MA 221 and PY/SO 335. (Interterm)

PY 354 Child Development and Social Policy

3 hours
A study of the relation between children and government. The course considers the interrelations between social policy and research findings from the field of child and adolescent psychology. ( Interterm)

PY/SO 375 Junior Seminar

1 hour
Several topics and issues are examined in a seminar format. These include ethical practices and concerns as they relate to research and clinical work, the development and execution of basic and applied research, and career development and related matters. Students work toward developing appropriate research topics for their senior theses and may explore internship opportunities. (Spring)

PY 405 Personality Theories

3 hours
Personality is the field within psychology that specializes in how individuals think, feel, and behave with an emphasis on the person as a whole. The course covers the five basic approaches to personality: the trait approach, the biological approach, the psychoanalytic approach, the phenomenological approach, and the behaviorist/learning theory/cognitive approach. Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor required. (Fall)

PY 415 Learning, Memory, Cognition

3 hours
An advanced survey course dealing specifically with current research findings in the areas or behavioral and cognitive psychology. The course will focus on what psychological science has discovered about human learning, memory, and forgetting. Prerequisite: G-PY 101, PY 303, PY/SO 335 or instructor consent. (Spring, odd years)

PY 430 Health Psychology

3 hours
A study of the fundamentals of human psychological and biomedical factors in the areas of health, wellness, and physical/mental illness. The course presents clinical applications of personality and social psychological theories, as they relate to cultural beliefs, human development, and different diseases; introduces key determinants of behavior, such as personality, family, ethnicity, and religion; and explores behavioral/motivational research in the emerging field of alternative and complementary medicine. Health care prevention, intervention, and maintenance issues and strategies are presented within the context of the community health support system. Career opportunities in health psychology are also explored. (Fall, odd years)

PY 445 Readings and Research in Psychology

1-4 hours
An opportunity to take a course by readings that is not offered in the regular curriculum. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. (By appointment)

PY 450 History and Systems of Psychology

3 hours (Language Intensive)
A study of psychology’s origins, development as a field, and current status, examined in a seminar format. Prerequisite: Upper division majors/minors only or instructor consent. (Spring, even years)

PY 454 Applied Behavior Analysis and Youth

3 hours
A study of the field of applied behavior analysis and its use in solving the behavior problems of children and adolescents. The course explores fundamental issues related to behavior change, including assessment, measurement, and ethics. (Fall, even years)

PY 470 Developmental Psychopathology

3 hours
A study of psychopathology as it relates to children and adolescents. The course explores the causes of and treatments for various psychological disorders and considers issues related to assessment and diagnosis. (Spring)

PY/SO 474 Scientific Writing for the Behavioral Sciences

2 hours
This course is intended to help students develop the skills needed for writing research reports in the social sciences. It is a research-based course in which students learn to synthesize what they have read and presenting it as a scientific review of the literature; these are the primary goals. Thus, it focuses on how to apply social science theories and research methods to the writing of the senior research proposal. This course also provides students with the opportunity to prepare papers for regional conferences in psychology and sociology. (Fall)

PY/SO 475 Senior Seminar/Thesis

2 hours (Language Intensive)
This is the culminating or capstone course for behavioral science majors. Coordinated guidance is given on the preparation of the Senior Thesis. Discussion of current topics in sociology and psychology is combined with guidance on practical matters such as application to graduate study, developing a career, and so on. (Spring)

PY 495 Field Experience in Psychology

1-4 hours
More advanced placements and arrangements in applied psychology. See PY 295. NOTE: PY 495 requires permission of the instructor before enrollment.

Individualized Courses Available

PY 295/495  Field Experience (1-4 hours)
PY 299/499  Independent Study (1-4 hours)
PY 388  Career Connections (1-12 hours)
PY 445  Readings and Research (1-4 hours)

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